Sunday, April 23, 2006

Reopening dSig

Well, Ive been working on the forum software for ThE NuBs. Its still not completely done, but its getting closer. I also finished Project Apex for now till the owner of it gets online again.

So, with those two monster projects done, Im ready to reopen an old code: dSig. I had said I would upgrade it back in the days when I wasnt so busy. I tried to open and edit the beta files of the work I had done towards the new version, but after reading through it a few times, I realized that the function and methods I had used in the old version wouldnt be able to work correctly with the ammount of data I would be passing it in the new version. As a result, Ive decided that it will be easier to completely recode the new version instead of just changing the structure of the function.

That means it will be a longer wait for the code, but will be definately worth it. As usual, Ill continue to post updates on the new versions progress as it unfolds.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Warn Logger Trouble

At first, the release of Warn Logger seemed like a big success. But then reports came in of a problem that was causing a board error. After cranking out the next version with the fix, I found out that for some reason one of the features, the one that allows you to post reports as new topics, wasnt working. I have no idea why that is as the code that deals with that feature was never even touched.

With this version came two more problems! The code now had some compatibility issues with Firefox and was causing "Aborted Action" errors in Internet Explorer. After talking with a friend, I figured out that the IE error was caused by dynamically knocking elements out of the DOM. I fixed the problem and it seems that the FF incompatibility was also being caused by the same problem.

So far, there have been no more bug reports. Hopefully it will stay that way and I can get some peace!

On a side-note, Ive started work on a "resource site" by a group called Project Apex. Its a pretty nasty little organization. The heads of the group are highly experienced web users, some including hackers, programmers, scripters, and other ranks from the "dark net". They all agree that there is no reason to fear them or not visit their site as their objective isnt to mess with innocent computers. Check it out at