Saturday, August 18, 2007

LeetBoard Tech: Smiley Issue

An issue has been found concerning the smilies. When rendering the smilies from textual to graphical, some smilies are not correctly rendered. For example, if we have two smilies available, :( and >:(, and we have a post containing the text ">:(", the sad smiley is rendered with a preceding greater-than sign (">").

This is called a collision; when two conditions are similar, and one is checked before the other, the other is not met or is overridden. It is due to the renderer checking the whole text and replacing all occurrences of the sad smiley then checking the whole text and replacing all occurrences of the angry smiley. In order to fix this issue, the renderer must check each character of the text one by one and compare it to all possible smiley conditions. This is rather tedious and will add anywhere from half a second to two seconds, depending on how many smilies your board has, to the renderer's runtime.

Edit: All current smiley-related issues have been fixed. Smiley functionality is now complete.

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